Check-out form

    Can you please indicate which elements are damaged?

    Opening and closing the roof :
    Opening and closing the external blind:
    Water from kitchen sink:
    Shower water:
    Water pump replacement:
    Toilet operation:
    Have you changed the gas cylinder?

    Top up with fuel:

    Fill clear water:

    Drain wastewater:

    Empty and clean toilets:

    Cleaning the interior of the van:

    Clean up, put away the dishes and dispose of the rubbish:

    Remove the sheets and put them in the safe:

    Opening and closing the external blind:
    Water from kitchen sink:
    Shower water:
    Toilet operation:
    Have you changed the gas cylinder?

    Top up with fuel:

    Fill clear water:

    Drain wastewater:

    Empty and clean toilets:

    Cleaning the interior of the van:

    Clean up, put away the dishes and dispose of the rubbish:

    Remove the sheets and put them in the safe:

    Opening and closing the roof :
    Opening and closing the external blind:
    Water from kitchen sink:
    Shower water:
    Have you changed the gas cylinder?

    Top up with fuel:

    Fill clear water:

    Drain wastewater:

    Cleaning the interior of the van:

    Clean up, put away the dishes and dispose of the rubbish:

    Remove the sheets and put them in the safe:

    Don't hesitate to send us your comments and feedback: